My worst fears confirmed, the British people have voted against their own self interest. I say the British people, but it’s just the English, and they’ve elected into government the English Nationalist Party, I mean The Conservative Party.

This country, or at least the English part of it, seems to prefers nasty policies, reduced benefits and tax breaks for the few.

Jolyon Rubinstein on Twitter (@JolyonRubs) put it quite well:

We live in a financial system, where protecting the money you have & self-interest outweighs any desire to help others & better society. Spreading awareness that these hard wired values are empty & do not lead to happiness is what our role must now become in the next 5 years.

He echoes what I said in my last blog post about people needing to be educated better to think for themselves. It’s going to take a lot longer than five years though.

A word on The Labour Party: we got it very wrong. The postmortem is going to be long and painful but something we have to do if we’re going to be of any relevance in the future.

Anyway, it’s all very depressing.